“Tomás Saraceno’s (b.1973, Argentina) oeuvre could be seen as an ongoing research, informed by the worlds of art, architecture, natural sciences, astrophysics and engineering; his floating sculptures, community projects and interactive installations propose and explore new, sustainable ways of inhabiting and sensing the environment.”[1]


Upon entering the East Lobby of the Baltimore Museum of Art, visitors are immediately presented with the incredible centerpiece of internationally acclaimed artist and architect Tomás Saraceno’s exhibition, Entangled Orbits.



The way the light catches the iridescent plexiglass panels stretched between metal and rope above the main stair evokes memories of summers past, watching tufts of bubbles lazily floating up to the skies. Saraceno’s immersive installations throughout the museum include an illuminated, encased spider web (“He was the first person to scan, reconstruct and reimagine spiders’ weaved spatial habitats, and possesses the only three-dimensional spider web collection to existence.”[2]) and hovering abstract sculptures suspended from the walls and ceiling with views within like a kaleidoscopic dream.



Appearing at the BMA from October 1, 2017 — July 8, 2018, this exhibit is definitely worth a visit!


[1] http://tomassaraceno.com/about/

[2] http://tomassaraceno.com/about/